Author and speaker, Pastor Umar Mulinde has come out to address controversies around marriage and divorce.
There have been a number of concerns among the church on how to go about the “till death do us apart” vows and what’s supposed to happen if things haven’t gone the way a couple expects. In a post Pastor Umar Mulinde carefully examined the whole topic sighting a recent marriage and divorce of a prominent pastor in Kampala. Below are his statements.
Matters of Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage are profoundly serious matters, which deserve to be carefully addressed. Some matters are well understood and better explained if the context is fully considered!
Previously there were mistakes that every marriage failure was blamed on wives.
During those days, when a husband died suddenly, it was regarded that the wife had some kind of misfortunes!
In the same way, if delivery of any child delayed, barrenness was referred on the side of the wife! Etc
Those were issues of long time ago, with nothing significant for our moment and I think, such were very wrong judgement.

However, it’s surprising that feminist’s views are trying to revive exactly such long ago biased attitude, but this time against husbands. The idea is to have women rule over men and children rule over their parents, and their new trend is that every marriage failure is automatically blamed on husbands!
Regardless of the fact that the wife might also be in the wrong, women rights groups, even some Pastors who prefer feminist’s views so much than the Holy Bible truth, are so much interested in just fighting for women rights ( even when no such right is abused) rather than balancing real facts and harmonize the wife with her own husband!
No wonder, some undisciplined Pastors wives, and those of other prominent public figures, are using that as a tool to mistreat their husbands knowing that they will do nothing about it for fear of public scandal!
This matter raises many questions which demands substantial answers
God forbids husbands to chase away wives, but what if the wife chases herself away, run to afar country, change her names, or even get another man, and refuse to come back, in that case, what does the husband supposed to do?
Knowing that currently all blame will go to the husband and no blame will be laid against the wife even if she is in the wrong, some wives are turning to be so aggressive, abusive, immoral, unruly to the extent of psychologically or even physically assaulting their spouses but stubbornly turn the case around, and maliciously accuse the husband!
Many people blamed a certain junior male Pastor who about three years ago walked away from his marital home, but before that, there is a wife of a prominent city Pastor who about 20 years ago left her husbands home, ran to America, changed names and has never come back to date but it’s as if such is normal and nobody is talking about it.
We need to know that you can not quench fire by igniting another fire. It is a mistake to think of fighting women abuse through promoting male abuse, “two wrongs do not make a right”
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