Patience Rwabogo defines herself as a child of the East African revolution. She was raised in the years when East Africa received a number of missionaries who spread the word of the Lord Jesus Christ confidently without shame. Patience accepted the Lord Jesus during a Crusade that was organized by Pr. TL Osborn and received her first bible from Daisy Osborn.
During the service that was held to celebrate the life of pastor Hugh Layzell, a missionary pastor who first established a born again church in Uganda in 1960 at the Makerere full gospel church was the guest preacher and shared her salvation story with the congregation.
She grew up surrounded by testimonies of the East African revival by her grand parents. ‘I heard countless stories of how the spirit of God spread like fire and brought a spiritual change in our communities based on repentance’ said Patience ‘ The Luganda Hymn Tukutendereza Yesu, was the Hymn for that revival’ , she continued.
She believes that the East African revival played a huge role in opening salvation to East Africa and applauded all the missionaries who risked their lives to spread the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ. She commended the family of the Late pastor Hugh Layzel who together with other pastors of full gospel church including Pastor Fred Wantante, Pr Paul Kinatama for obeying God and spreading the word of God across Africa.
It was the East African revival that birthed in her the hunger to seek how God moves . she is convicted that if God moved powerfully in the past, he still can move powerfully, even today. After understanding how God moves her desire to have her own experience with God grew. All she needed was a personal encounter with God. She desired that God would use her like the men and women he used during those revival days.
A few years back, God answered her and called her into ministry. ‘ He – God made me see his Vision for Africa as a career of his Glory’.

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